Why Spud’s?

A lot of you are probably wondering, “Why Spud’s? Why would you choose that name? What does it mean? What do potatoes have to do with coffee?” Very good questions, but let’s just start off by setting the record straight, Spud’s has nothing to do with potatoes (unless you count our fried breakfast potatoes). Spud was my granddad’s nickname. He was always a big encourager for me to open my own restaurant, so it made so much sense to me to name my first business in his honor. 

            Spud was a strong man, father, grandfather, farmer and major community figure. As a little girl, I would always describe him as the smartest man I know. Even in his old age, he was as sharp as a tack – he wouldn’t miss a beat. When he was in his 90’s, he would tell us stories, and one thing that would stand out to me was how many details he could remember about things that happened either last week or years ago – the date, time of day, even the name of everyone who was there, first and last name! The man was brilliant! He couldn’t forget a thing!

            As a family, we would always get together and tell stories of our fondest moments – reliving past laughs and moments, while making new ones. In very much the same way, we would feel safe and enamored when we were together – I want the guests we serve to have the same feelings. Just like you feel at ease and well taken care of when you go to your grandparents’ house, that is how you will feel at Spud’s Coffee. My granddad was truly one of the dearest family members to me, and I can’t wait ’til we can share the feeling of family with all of you.  

Megan Wilson – 09/29/2019