While it might seem minimalistic and simple, our logo actually has a lot of thoughtful and special details tying it together. Our teal gradient coffee stain is significant of… coffee… duh!! Haha! But, it also has more meaning to it as well. The color and specific crescent shape was intentionally designed to resemble a breaking wave. The wave signifies power and resilience which describes the strong and determined team behind the scenes of the shop. The wave is a driving force that gets things moving. It appeals to more than just the people who knew Spud himself or his family. It inspires anyone who needs a little push in the right direction – little nudge to start the day. If you think about it, that’s what coffee does. The wave symbolizes who Spud was to me – the strongest man I know and the man who drove me to follow my dreams.
Waves signify the new movement of culture and society, such as third wave coffee. It’s a new perspective that is rushing in to take over, while washing away the old. When the revelation of the wave came to me, all these thoughts just started connecting, making sense, lining up all the details of the logo design. In my life, profound things and symbols always tend to come full circle and present themselves again and again to reassure me that I’m on the right track. The wave is definitely one of those symbols. My mom was a major display of entrepreneurship in my life from a young age. Her first business back in Jamaica was also called Wave Pictures Ltd. While the design for her business was more of a rippling wave, it was A WAVE none-the-less. The wave is once again coming full circle – this time it’s breaking!
Our name ties into the wave in bold font to show our own boldness as creative and inspired individuals. When designing the logo, there was a lot of open space around the name – a need for a framing detail. I pulled a sample image from a Christmas card I had received from Grandpa. The squiggled line below our name is actually Spud’s signature! It was the last Christmas card I got from him before he passed away, and he signed it himself. What could be more special?
Megan Wilson – 11/13/2019