Building a Coffeeshop – Takes Time (who knew?)

One of the main questions that we get asked these days is “Are you guys open yet?” The simple answer is “No, not our coffeeshop, not yet.” We have been diligently building and pushing to get our inspections passed by the city. However, that is even harder to do than actually building in the middle of a pandemic. If you’ve been following our social media, you’ll see the many steps it has taken to get this project off the ground. We have not taken any of these steps for granted; each is as important as the last, and remind us each day how special this project really is. The amount of thought and work that goes into every detail of designing, building and creating is amazing! There are so many moving parts…
Just like a body, with all its parts – all connected to one head, is how we view our coffeeshop. We take for granted how much our bodies do in a day. Our brains unconsciously control our bodies, thoughts and all our functions. We are only aware of a small amount of it. We would be so overwhelmed if we were to try to control all the things that our brains do. We don’t tell it how to function – we let it do its thing and take care of it to the best of our ability. Yet, for some reason, we think we will not be overwhelmed trying to control every aspect of our lives and the running of our businesses. The sooner we realize that we cannot control the world and that some functions will happen unconsciously, the more at peace we’ll be.
Some things I cannot control on my own, but I take responsibility to control what I can. The rest is up to the Higher Power. Letting go and letting the Universe do its thing is all I can do sometimes. God knows better than I do, and quite frankly, does a much better job at keeping it together than I do. Things will happen when they are meant to happen. While so many of you have be anticipating Spud’s Coffee to open, don’t be discouraged. Rest assured that we can see the light at the end of the tunnel, and… Oh, is it bright! Just like you, we can’t wait to see what lies ahead!
While we are still not open, we remind ourselves that good things take time. Our build out has given us new meaning to the term “slow coffee”. It’s a process. One that is totally worth every step and every detail. Trusting the process and practicing patience in a world where speed is glorified is not easy, but we are doing this not because it’s easy, but because it’s worth it. We will be announcing the opening date very soon, until then, check out our progress shots in our story highlights on Instagram @spudscoffee.
Can’t wait to get a taste of our goodies? Check out our online store and order a bakery box. We offer a few items from our pastry menu for home delivery.
Megan Wilson – 04/06/2021