Building a Coffeeshop

Probably the hardest thing I have had to do in my life. But that’s what is so exciting about seeing it get accomplished.

The beginning of 2019 did not go as planned, the ending was even worse, and let’s not even get started on 2020. Plans were interrupted, schedules changed drastically, loved ones were lost, scary changes took place in our lives, but what I’m taking away from it all is…

Change is good.

It’s necessary.

It brought us to where we are today, and that is not something to be taken lightly. Change is a vital part of everything’s existence in the universe. A seed dies so that a tree can grow. A mother endures labor pains when a new life is born. And like that, just enough discomfort will force you to move from where you are to where you need to be. I trust God has this all figured out for us, and we just have to be willing and open to the change. I often find myself saying, “Megan, just do it!” in order to get myself out of my thoughts and start tackling the new challenges. Worry sneaks in and stops me from moving sometimes. That feeling of fear of what’s going to happen next becomes overwhelming. When that happens, you just gotta shake yourself, and be reminded that even if you are proceeding with caution, you have to keep moving. Pull up your socks, put on some Beyoncé (haha) and just do it!

Building a coffeeshop has been about taking a dream, an idea, a passion and creating something beautiful that we can share with our friend, families and community. I’ve wanted to be transparent about this entire project from day one. The recipe testing, the stories that inspired the formation of our company, and now the actual build-out of the restaurant are just a few topics we thought were fun to share. (P.S. if there are any other things you would like us to share, shoot us a message.) Every step has been new. Keeping myself in a position to learn everyday has been key. From seeking the funding, to negotiating terms of our lease, to dealing with state and federal regulations; it’s all been new. But new isn’t impossible! Even if it’s taken longer than we planned, if has all happened in God’s perfect timing.

Building a coffeeshop wouldn’t be possible without the people who have been involved along the way. I have the best support system who I have been able to draw on when I needed guidance and advice. Friends, colleagues, my contractor, my boyfriend, my family and most importantly, my mom. (Yea, she’s family, but she’s in a class of her own.) None of us knew how much it would really take until it happened, but that didn’t stop the business from playing out how it should.

So… now you understand the passion behind the project.

Let’s do this!

Let’s build a coffeeshop!

Megan Wilson – 09/24/2020

Reader Comments

  1. Jane

    There’s always a ‘first time’ for everything.
    Know that God is with you through each step….if He has brought you to it, He is with you going through it!! Trust his timing! And remember, He touches lives along the way.
    He strengthens us by the hard things we go through.

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